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KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 7219

KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 7219 is a high speed film featuring improved exposure latitude-so you can capture an amazing amount of shadow detail with noticeably lower grain. Rely on the extended highlight latitude and follow the action into bright light without worrying about blown-out details.
Process ECN-2
Technical data (PDF)


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    O filme Super-8 da Kodak é distribuído em cartuchos plásticos invioláveis à prova de luz contendo dois tampões coaxiais, um para o filme virgem e outro para o filme exposto, carregados com 15 metros filme ( 50 pés ). Estes 3600 fotogramas permitem 2 minutos e 30 segundos de exposição ao padrão profissional de 24 quadros por segundo, ou 3 minutos e 20 segundos ao padrão alternativo (amador) de 18 quadros por segundo.


KODAK EKTACHROME 100D Color Reversal Film - Super 8 offers moderately enhanced color saturation while maintaining a neutral gray scale and accurate skin tone reproduction. It has exceptional sharpness with excellent grain performance. It offers strong reciprocity, uniformity, and keeping stability. Excellent for advertising, nature cinematography, documentaries, and music films. It can be scanned or projected. Technical data (PDF)

KODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Film 7203

KODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Film 7203, the world's finest grain film, delivers unsurpassed image quality, real-world flexibility, digital compatibility and archival stability. Technical data (PDF)